


熱門關鍵詞:禹城彩鋼廠,禹城彩鋼復合板,禹城鋼結構板房 彩鋼板房


來源:http://hxwjw.org.cn 日期:2023-12-28 發(fā)布人:


Color steel panel house is an environmentally friendly and economical activity house with light steel as the skeleton, color steel composite sandwich panel as the enclosure material, and standard modulus series for spatial combination. The components are connected by bolts, and the composite wall panels are made of drilled nails. It is a new concept. It can be easily and quickly assembled and disassembled, achieving universal standardization of temporary buildings, establishing an environmentally friendly, energy-saving, fast and efficient building concept, and enabling temporary houses to enter a standardized product field of series development, integrated production, supporting supply, inventory and multiple turnover.



The color steel plate used in color steel plate houses is an organic coated board, which is frequently used in the construction industry due to its light weight, thermal insulation, bright colors, and convenient construction, such as activity rooms on construction sites and container activity rooms in disaster areas. Because color steel plates require insulation and sound insulation, many buildings use sandwich color steel plates. However, the sandwich material is often flammable, so everyone should pay attention to the fire prevention of color steel plates. Today, the editor will introduce the precautions for fire prevention of color steel plates.


1、 Try to use asbestos board and fireproof cotton as fillers to make color steel plates. Only by achieving a maximum A-level fire resistance can the fire safety conditions at the construction site be met.


2、 During use, some heat sources and ignition sources should not be close to the color steel plate, and a certain distance should be maintained. If a kitchen is to be installed in a color steel panel room, an insulation layer is required, and the wall should be equipped with a fireproof rock wool insulation layer.


3、 Do not cross wires and cables with colored steel plates. If you need to cross them, add protective covers. Sockets and switch boxes should be made of galvanized metal and installed in an exposed manner. Equipped with simple indoor and outdoor fire extinguishing equipment, and equipped with fire alarms where conditions permit, facilitating rapid evacuation of personnel.


4、 A safe distance of at least 6 meters should be maintained between colored steel plate houses. It is not allowed to illegally set up obstacles such as iron fences and billboards that affect evacuation and firefighting rescue.




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